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Creating a New Session

To create a new session with SessionForge, you need to configure the library and use its methods to set and save session data. Below is a step-by-step guide along with an example code snippet.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Set Up Configuration: Define the configuration array with necessary options such as session file path, session ID, hash key, expiration time, compression, encryption, and encryption key.
  2. Instantiate SessionForge: Create an instance of the SessionForge class, passing the configuration array to its constructor.
  3. Set Session Data: Use the set method to add various types of data (string, integer, float, boolean, array, and null) to the session.
  4. Save the Session: Call the save method to write the session data to the file.
  5. Handle Exceptions: Implement exception handling to catch and format any errors that occur during the session creation process.

Example Code


require 'path/to/SessionForge.php'; // Adjust the path as needed

use SessionForge\SessionForge;

try {
    // Step 1: Set Up Configuration
    $config = [
        'path' => __DIR__ . '/sessions', // Directory to store session files
        'sessionId' => 'your_session_id', // Default session ID
        'hashKey' => 'your_hash_key', // Key for hashing
        'validUntil' => 3600, // Session expiration time in seconds
        'compress' => true, // Enable compression
        'encryption' => true, // Enable encryption
        'key' => 'your_encryption_key' // Encryption key

    // Step 2: Instantiate SessionForge
    $sessionForgeExample = new SessionForge($config);

    // Step 3: Set Session Data
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key1', 'value1'); // string
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key2', 123); // int
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key3', 123.54); // float
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key4', 1); // boolean
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key5', true); // boolean
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key6', ['1', '2', '3']); // array
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key6', ['1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3']); // associative array
    $sessionForgeExample->set('key7', NULL); // null

    // Step 4: Save the Session
} catch (SessionForgeExceptions $th) {
    // Step 5: Handle Exceptions


  1. Configuration Array: The $config array holds the necessary configuration for session management, including path, session ID, hash key, expiration time, compression, encryption, and encryption key.
  2. SessionForge Initialization: The SessionForge instance is created using the configuration array.
  3. Setting Data: Various types of data are added to the session using the set method. This includes strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, and null values.
  4. Saving Data: The save method writes the session data to the file specified in the configuration.
  5. Exception Handling: Any exceptions thrown during the session creation process are caught and formatted for debugging.

This guide and example should help you create and manage sessions using SessionForge effectively. Adjust the configuration values and session data as needed to fit your specific application requirements.

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